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BIG MARKER TEST10 minutesSpeaker Big Marker test
Speaker Big Marker test
Consulting Call45 minutes1500 USD
CCM Demo30 minutesCorporate Consulting Mastermind discovery and demo
Corporate Consulting Mastermind discovery and demo
PR PITCHES DEMO45 minutesPR Pitches Demo Link
PR Pitches Demo Link
Linkedin Optimization Ghostwriting Call30 minutes30-minute Data Gathering Session for Linkedin Profile Optimization Services.
30-minute Data Gathering Session for Linkedin Profile Optimization Services.
900 USD -
Ghostwriting Discovery Call20 minutes30-minute Data Gathering Session for Ghostwriting Services.There is a fee for this call to reduce the amount of No-shows, time-wasters, and tire-kickers that typically want a free "pick my brain" session.
30-minute Data Gathering Session for Ghostwriting Services.
There is a fee for this call to reduce the amount of No-shows, time-wasters, and tire-kickers that typically want a free "pick my brain" session.
333 USD -
Bulletproof Entrepreneur Podcast Interview45 minutesPodcast interview and Expert Interviews with Chi OdogwuThe interview will be conducted using a web based recording app. Nothing to download
Podcast interview and Expert Interviews with Chi Odogwu
The interview will be conducted using a web based recording app. Nothing to download
Publications Sources interviews (WSJ,Forbes, CNET etc)30 minutesPublications interview and Expert Interviews with Chi OdogwuThe interview will be conducted using a web based recording app. Nothing to download
Publications interview and Expert Interviews with Chi Odogwu
The interview will be conducted using a web based recording app. Nothing to download